Le retour de l’animal parlant. Réécriture d’une genèse scripturale dans les bestiaires performés de Julien Blaine de 1962 à aujourd'hui


  • Julia Raymond Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne


This article proposes to present the main characteristics of the poet Julien Blaine's performed bestiaries since 1962, focusing mainly on the creation process of Reps Elephant 306. Starting with this first poetic work, the aim is to understand to what extent the poet wishes to retranscribe a primary state of language in favor of an elementary poetry that renews the dialogue with pachyderms and their primitive onomatopoeias. Then, it will be a question of studying how the poet is inspired by a certain medieval imagery related to the question of animality while extending the reading of his own references to forge a new poetic discourse, explore another form of language and, thus, try to restore a scriptural genesis of the speaking animal. Finally, a third part will analyze the way in which the poet mixes this elephantine retranscription with the search for a poetic point of equilibrium, of contact, as well as of separation, between man and animal, between language and gestures, between writing and the body, which engages a complex relationship to shamanic and totemic sources. This one intends to make penetrate the question of the animality in the organization and the power of meaning of the book, the contemporary writing and its supports as well as in that of the society which produced them and, this, until reaching a deep desire of creation of hybrid communities.

Author Biography

Julia Raymond , Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Julia Raymond is a doctoral student in contemporary philosophy at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, under the supervision of Danièle Cohn. Her dissertation research focuses on the development of action poetry from 1955 to the present. This work has led him to write several articles for various works of secondary scientific literature and to realize various communications on this theme. From October 2017 to April 2022, she also held a position as a study and research fellow at the National Institute of Art History as part of her doctoral contract. She holds a degree in art history and philosophy from the University of Paris I and a D.N.A.P. from the École Nationale Supérieure d'Arts de Paris-Cergy. Finally, as a complement to her research work, Julia Raymond regularly attends courses in archival science.



How to Cite

Raymond , J. (2022). Le retour de l’animal parlant. Réécriture d’une genèse scripturale dans les bestiaires performés de Julien Blaine de 1962 à aujourd’hui. Elephant & Castle, (27). Retrieved from https://elephantandcastle.unibg.it/index.php/eac/article/view/205


