Stranger than fiction. Falsehood and fiction in the age of augmented reality


  • Anna Montebugnoli Università degli Studi di Bergamo


This essay analyses the aesthetics issues of augmented reality in the complex distinction of falseness and fiction implied in any act of producing or reproducing of images and artefacts. The boundary between the two concepts lies on the different intention that leads their peculiar way of dealing with reality. Falseness implies indeed an ontological (and axiological) confusion to the degree that its products try to substitute reality by imitating it. On the other hand, fiction doesn’t try to deceive: its artefacts simply belong to an inferior degree of ontology. Using as a case-study the Pokemon GO phenomenon and the moral debate that followed it, this article aims to outline a genealogy of the controversy surrounding the mimetic and poietic products as they blur the line between truth and falseness, reality and fiction.

Author Biography

Anna Montebugnoli, Università degli Studi di Bergamo

Laureata nel 2014 in filosofia all’Università di Roma Sapienza, Anna Montebugnoli è dottoranda in Studi Umanistici Interculturali presso l’Università degli Studi di Bergamo, dove sta conducendo una ricerca sulle differenti forme del supplizio e sull’archeologia delle sue rappresentazioni, tema su cui ha pubblicato alcuni contributi e preso parte a convegni e seminari.



How to Cite

Montebugnoli, A. (2017). Stranger than fiction. Falsehood and fiction in the age of augmented reality. Elephant & Castle, (17). Retrieved from


