Against the concept of the 'late style'. Some considerations


  • Hanna Serkowska University of Warsaw


The aim of the article is to search for literary examples of what – with reference to music, fine arts and literature – is dubbed as “late style” (Adorno, Said). The polemical part of the article covers various perspectives of critics (Ricaldone, Small, Amigoni and McGullan, Skrendo) who challenge the established – though not unequivocal –visions of Altersstil, and who point out that no attitude, style or language should be seen as typical of a whole category of old artists and that perhaps no consistency between age, life and the work of an artist can be established. One would only wish to give life stages a meaning, hoping, like Hillman suggests, that old age reveals to us our character. In the second part of the article the author conjectures that instead of a style typical of late works or old age, one could venture to investigate how individuals experience old age. Reading texts by some of the most widely famous male writers (John Maxwell Coetzee, Philip Roth) and literary scholars become writers while growing old (Marco Santagata, Romano Luperini) the author shows that a concept of ‘late style’ is a construct and that a plurality of stands and styles can be observed. For some old age is still a season of a triumphal challenge of the young (Santagata), others live a distressed surrender vis-à-vis a life devoid of value (Luperini).

Author Biography

Hanna Serkowska, University of Warsaw

Hanna Serkowska è letterata (italianista e comparatista) polacca. Dopo il Ph.D. negli Stati Uniti (1991) ha conseguito la libera docenza all’Università di Varsavia (2003), dove insegna e attualmente dirige il Dipartimento di Italianistica. Tra le sue pubblicazioni recenti: Uscire da una camera delle favole, Kraków, 2002 (premio Elsa Morante, 2004), Finzione, cronaca, realtà. Scambi, intrecci e prospettive nella narrativa italiana contemporanea, Transeuropa, Massa, 2011; Dopo il romanzo storico. La storia nella letteratura italiana del ‘900, Metauro, Pesaro, 2012; Le fonti in Elsa Morante (co-curato con Enrico Palandri), Ca’ Foscari U.P., 2015; Co z tą starością? Obrazy starości z chorobą i domów opieki, Toruń, 2018 (What about ageing? Representation of old age with disability and old people’s homes in European literature and film). L’ultimo libro è il frutto del progetto di ricerca sulle rappresentazioni della vecchiaia, della demenza, delle case per gli anziani nei testi della cultura europei, finanziato dall'Ente Nanzionale polacco per la Ricerca e intitolato “Sphinx Riddle. Cultural representations of old age”. Gli interessi che coltiva da qualche anno ruotano attorno a Medical Humanities e Narrative Medicine.



How to Cite

Serkowska, H. (2018). Against the concept of the ’late style’. Some considerations. Elephant & Castle, (18). Retrieved from