Hans Ulrich Obrist : l'interview d'artiste au service du commissariat d'exposition


  • Silvia Neri


Contemporary art is in constant evolution. New forms of expression and artistic codes challenge the notion of art itself, involved in a process of dialectical crisis between aesthetic and content.
Since the inception of conceptual art, the substance of the work of art has found difficulties to manifest itself by declaring the need for philosophical, sociological and anthropological support in order to be read. It increasingly needs to be accompanied by explanations, therefore the artist has learned to use external tools to explain the content of his work to the public: exhibitions, criticism, and artist interviews are fundamental mediations in contemporary art.
Swiss curator Hans Ulrich Obrist has created The Interview Project, a series of books of interviews codifying this literary genre in relation to art, the artist and curating. Taking as examples a series of interviews to artists by critics and curators, this essay aims to analyse them from a sociological and anthropological point of view, as a form of mediation between artist, work and audience, highlighting their narrative method.

Biographie de l'auteur

Silvia Neri

Silvia Neri è ricercatrice universitaria, curatrice e direttrice della galleria itinerante Neri Contemporary Art a Parigi (www.neri.gallery).
Nel 2010 si è laureata in Filologia Moderna all’Università degli Studi di Padova con una tesi di teoria e critica letteraria su Cremaster 3 di Matthew Barney. Nel 2014 ottiene il Master 2 in Arts Plastiques, percorso Art Contemporain et Nouveaux Médias all’Université Paris 8.
Curatrice indipendente dal 2008, nel 2015 apre a Parigi la sua galleria d’arte specializzata in fotografia e disegno. Dal 2017 al 2020 insegna Esposizioni e mercato dell’arte all’Université Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis e dal 2018 insegna Museografia l’Université de Lorraine a Metz. Nel 2020 termina il dottorato in Esthètique, Sciences et Technologies des Arts à l’Université Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis, in cotutela con il Dipartimento di Beni Culturali dell’Università degli Studi di Padova. La sua tesi presenta il primo studio su River of Fundament (2014), film opera di Matthew Barney et Jonathan Bepler. La tesi è in fase di pubblicazione.
Nel 2021 ottiene la qualification all’insegnamento universitario presso il Conseil National des Universités. Silvia Neri ha partecipato a convegni in diversi paesi, quali Francia, Italia, Portogallo e Corea del Sud.
Tra le sue pubblicazioni si citano: "Matthew Barney - Ambergris And Winch In Flensing Station 2005-2010", in Biennales d’Art contemporain & Frontières, L’Harmattan, Paris, 2016; "Myths in Matthew Barney’s artworks", in Em busca da terra prometida: mitos de salvação, Forma Breve 15, Univesidade de Aveiro, 2018; "River of Fundament de Matthew Barney et Jonathan Bepler", in Opéra Monde, La Quête d’un art total, sous la direction de Stéphane Ghislain Roussel, Centre Pompidou, RMN, 2019; "Être curator de dessin contemporain. Singularité et perspectives", in Épistémologie du dessin, sous la direction d’Agnès Callu, Jacques André Editeur, Lyon, 2021.




Comment citer

Neri, S. (2021). Hans Ulrich Obrist : l’interview d’artiste au service du commissariat d’exposition. Elephant & Castle, (25). Consulté à l’adresse https://elephantandcastle.unibg.it/index.php/eac/article/view/233


