Mauvaises copies ? Imitations, parodies et influences de "Twin Peaks" dans les programmes des chaînes américaines (1990-1997)


  • Matteo Pollone DAMS Torino


The essay examines the television series that during the Nineties borrowed from Twin Peaks themes, atmospheres, ideas, visual solutions and ‒ in some cases ‒ a certain "author" tone. Alongside The X-Files (Fox, 1993-2002), Twin Peaks' most successful "son", the essay deals with Northern Exposure (CBS, 1990-1995), Eerie, Indiana (NBC, 1991-1993), Picket Fences (CBS, 1992-1996), Wild Palms (ABC, 1993-1993) and American Gothic (CBS, 1995-1996). The essay proceeds according to the identification of a series of characteristics that pass directly from Twin Peaks to these products: the irruption of the fantastic into everyday life, the legitimacy on the great networks of horror atmospheres and images, the interest in the American province, and others.

Biographie de l'auteur

Matteo Pollone, DAMS Torino

Matteo Pollone insegna “Forme e generi dello spettacolo radiotelevisivo” al Dams di Torino e “Forme della serialità” al corso di laurea magistrale in Cinema e Media dello stesso ateneo.
È autore delle monografie Il western di Anthony Mann (Le Mani, 2007) e Neil Jordan (con Caterina Taricano, Il Castoro, 2009); ha curato i volumi James Bond. Fenomenologia di un mito (post)moderno (Bietti, 2016) e Il western in Italia. Cinema, musica, letteratura e fumetto (Graphot, 2020).
Collabora con l’Archivio Nazionale Cinematografico della Resistenza, con l’AIACE Torino e con il Circolo dei Lettori.




Comment citer

Pollone, M. (2020). Mauvaises copies ? Imitations, parodies et influences de "Twin Peaks" dans les programmes des chaînes américaines (1990-1997). Elephant & Castle, (23). Consulté à l’adresse


