Faux et intérêts épigraphiques. Un voyage à travers les textes et les images de la période humaniste-Renaissance


  • Eleonora Caccia Università degli Studi di Bergamo


So intensely rediscovered during the Renaissance, epigraphs are precious evidence to retrace the truth of the past from different points of view, such as the language, the social composition, the artistic taste of a people. But epigraphy is also deeply connected with the dimension of the “false”. This essay intends to analyse some aspects of the epigraphic false from naive wrong interpretations of the inscriptions to gorgeous imaginary drawings in the codices, from playful inventions – possibly created to make fun of the scholars – to deliberate deceitful works. Enriched with several images of the manuscripts, ancient prints, artefacts and monuments, the journey ends with a curious testimony hovering between truth and fiction, discovered in a Sixteenth-century book and, so far, unpublished.

Biographie de l'auteur

Eleonora Caccia, Università degli Studi di Bergamo

Eleonora Caccia, ph. d. in filologia umanistica e iscritta all’Albo cultori della materia per l’SSD L-FIL-LET/04, ha scritto saggi sulla storia culturale bergamasca e sugli interessi epigrafici germogliati in area norditaliana in epoca umanistico-rinascimentale. In particolare, ha pubblicato gli articoli Bergamo al tempo di Palma tra storia, abitanti e arte, Milano, Skira, 2015, pp. 13-24 e La Iubilatio di Felice Feliciano, in “Italia medioevale e umanistica”, 45, 2014, pp. 167-223. Spinta dalla sua passione per l’arte contemporanea, ha collaborato alla traduzione dei saggi di Rosalind Krauss raccolti in Inventario perpetuo, a cura di Elio Grazioli, Milano, Mondadori, 2011.




Comment citer

Caccia, E. (2017). Faux et intérêts épigraphiques. Un voyage à travers les textes et les images de la période humaniste-Renaissance. Elephant & Castle, (17). Consulté à l’adresse https://elephantandcastle.unibg.it/index.php/eac/article/view/375




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