Le design de la “fusion”. Une anthropologie des corps excitables


  • Jérémy Damian

Parole chiave:

Consumer Research, Tourism, Experience, Fusion, Intensity, Experimental Laboratory


The crisis experienced by the mountain tourism sector is perceived by a number of actors as an economic opportunity. The crisis has always represented a field of opportunity for the consolidation and extension of marketing knowledge and practices. In this case, the crisis in mountain tourism has seen a strengthening of the links between “tourism”, “marketing” and experiences of connexions to nature. Our relationship to the world(s) increasingly functions like the relationship to casinos and slot machines described by anthropologist Natasha D. Schüll in Addiction by design (2014): mediated by the engineering and management of attention, ecstasy and self-forgetfulness. Fusion is both a promise and a mean to hook consumers. This article aims to critically present the historical emergence of a form of design for the experience of fusion with nature.

Biografia autore

Jérémy Damian

Jérémy Damian è antropologo. Le sue ricerche lo conducono a mappare, negli insterstizi del naturalismo moderno, pratiche collettive di acculturazione di ciò che definisce “delle sensorialità aberranti”. Con l’associazione "Pli sur Pli", tenta di costruire degli ambienti propizi all’incontro tra conoscenza accademica, discipline somatiche e scritture contemporanee. Dirige la rivista Corps-Objet-Image e ha appena terminato un post-dottorato al Laboratoire PACTE (Université Grenoble Alpes).




Come citare

Damian, J. (2022). Le design de la “fusion”. Une anthropologie des corps excitables. Elephant & Castle, (28), 69–79. Recuperato da https://elephantandcastle.unibg.it/index.php/eac/article/view/195


