No. 28 (2022): Mediacene

					View No. 28 (2022): Mediacene

edited by Adriano D'Aloia (Università degli Studi di Bergamo), Jacopo Rasmi (Université Jean Monnet-Saint-Etienne)

We now live in the Mediacene, a geological era characterized by the crucial impact of technologies of  perception, information and transport on the historical and environmental context in which we live. Having become real living environments, the contemporary media are regulators of a multimodal sensitivity on which our awareness of the challenges and pitfalls of the now full-blown ecological crisis depends. This issue offers some food for thought on the current state of the discourse on media ecology, in search of a new ecosystemic paradigm for describing the relationship between living beings and the planet.

Published: 15-12-2022

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