John Cage et Guy Debord: un parallèle silencieux


  • Gabriel Ferreira Zacarias University of Campinas


John Cage et Guy Debord: un parallèle silencieux, Gabriel Ferreira Zacarias

Author Biography

Gabriel Ferreira Zacarias, University of Campinas

Gabriel Zacarias is Professor of Art History at the University of Campinas, Brazil, and a Fellow of Humboldt Stiftung in Germany. He has been a Fellow of the Erasmus Mundus Program, in Italy and in France, and a Visiting Research Fellow at Yale University. He has studied Guy Debord's archives at the French National Library, and the Situationist Papers at the Beinecke Library. With Alastair Hemmens, he has edited the volume The Situationist International: a Critical Handbook (London: Pluto Press, 2020). He has also written the postface to Guy Debord’s notes on literature, on the volume edited by Laurence Le Bras, Poésie, etc. (Paris: L’Échappée, 2019). He has published essays on the domain of Critical Theory, notably No espelho do terror: jihad e espetáculo (São Paulo: Elefante, 2018), and De Virus Illustribus. Crise du coronavirus et épuisement structurel du capitalisme (Crise et Critique, 2020), coauthored with A. Jappe, C. Homs and S. Aumercier.



How to Cite

Ferreira Zacarias, G. (2012). John Cage et Guy Debord: un parallèle silencieux. Elephant & Castle, (6). Retrieved from


