The Spanish translations of Gianni Celati


  • Maria J. Calvo Montoro


critical reception, book market, translation errors, register shifts, Basque literature


Maria José Calvo Montoro, studiosa e traduttrice di Celati in spagnolo, traccia una storia della fortuna editoriale di Celati in Spagna, fornendoci al contempo un prezioso quadro dell’industria culturale del Paese iberico nel corso degli ultimi trent’anni. 

Author Biography

Maria J. Calvo Montoro

María J. Calvo Montoro has served as Titular Professor of Italian Philology at the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Editor of several works by Italo Calvino for the Siruela publishing in Madrid and coordinator of journals on Italian literature, she has organized international conferences and published books and articles about Italian writers and comparative literatures.



How to Cite

Calvo Montoro, M. J. (2023). The Spanish translations of Gianni Celati. Elephant & Castle, (29). Retrieved from