Knowledge and recognition of the actor: letters from an expatriate actor to the Favart couple


  • Alexeï Evstratov Université Grenoble Alpes



Actors' correspondence, Favart, \Lespine de Morembert, Expatriate Actors, French Actors in Russia


This contribution proposes the publication of previously unreleased correspondence involving the Favart couple. Specifically, these letters were originally addressed to Charles-Simon Favart and later to his wife, Justine Duronceray, spanning from January 1761 to August 1764 by their childhood friend, Lespine de Morembert. These letters offer biographical and sociological insights, detailing the unconventional career of a French actor in Russia. They also shed light on the diverse expertise of expatriate actors, including aspects of dramatic writing and espionage. Four out of nine letters, housed at the National Library of France, were incompletely published in 1808. This contribution aims to rectify and complete that publication.

Author Biography

Alexeï Evstratov, Université Grenoble Alpes

Alexeï Evstratov is an Associate Professor of Slavic Studies at the Université Grenoble Alpes (France). His research focuses on the history of spectacles in Europe from the 18th century to the present, as well as literature and society in Imperial and Soviet Russia. His published books include Les Spectacles francophones à la cour de Saint-Pétersbourg (1743-1796). L’invention d’une société (2016) and The Creation of a Europeanized Elite in Russia, 1762-1825: Public Role and Subjective Self (2016, co-edited with Andrei Zorin and Andreas Schönle).



How to Cite

Evstratov, A. (2024). Knowledge and recognition of the actor: letters from an expatriate actor to the Favart couple. Elephant & Castle, (33), 17–36.