From theatrical excursions to international tours (from Mlle George to Sarah Bernhardt)


  • Florence Filippi Université de Rouen



Mlle George, Sarah Bernhardt, 19th-century stardom, theatrical excursion, international tours


By analysing the careers of specific performers, this article delves into the mobility of actors and its implications throughout the 19th century. The initial examination of actors' movements reveals that excursions maintained a political or even diplomatic function at the end of the 18th century, gradually evolving towards more aesthetic objectives during the 19th century. Subsequently, the study nuances this apparent artistic emulation, acknowledging its connection to promotional and advertising interests, which can often influence the reasons of these tours. The emergence of stardom, as exemplified through Sarah Bernhardt, brings forth new challenges associated with international tours. These challenges are fuelled by competition among the most prominent personalities on international stages, often relying on personal promotions that may occasionally overshadow the intention of fostering intercultural exchanges.

Author Biography

Florence Filippi, Université de Rouen

Florence Filippi teaches Theatre Studies (18th-19th centuries) at the University of Rouen. Her research interests encompass the history of theatre and staging during the Revolution, the Empire, and the Restoration, as well as actor studies involving autobiographies, memoirs, and correspondences from the 19th century and theatrical press and critique. Notable among her publications is "Le Sacre de l’acteur, Émergence du vedettariat théâtral de Molière à Sarah Bernhardt" (in collaboration with Sara Harvey and Sophie Marchand, published by Armand Colin, 2017). Additionally, she co-directed, with Julie de Faramond, Théâtre et Médecine : de l’exhibition spectaculaire de la médecine à l’analyse clinique du théâtre, special issue of the Épistemocritique journal (Littérature et Savoirs, 2016).



How to Cite

Filippi, F. (2024). From theatrical excursions to international tours (from Mlle George to Sarah Bernhardt). Elephant & Castle, (33), 113–123.