The Glove, the Gap and Anachronism, or the Secret in Max Klinger, André Breton, Francesca Woodman and Deborah Levy


  • Beatrice Seligardi Università di Parma


The glove is a recurrent object in Western art history that acquires a special resonance in Simbolist and Surrealist movements. Here the glove often appears as an uncanny object: it suggests without declaring, it tells without narrating. Therefore, the glove could be understood as the symbol of a fundamental literary category as the “unsaid”, a sort of “function” that reveals the secret nature of language and art: absence, allusion and enigma play a crucial role in both literary and visual expression. But the glove could also lead to a reflection on time and non-linear temporal sequences. Picking from these premises, the glove as a dispositive of secrecy will be investigated in the intertextual and intermedial relationships among various texts, including Max Klinger’s series of etchings entitled Paraphrase über den Fund eines Handschuhs (1881), André Breton’s novel Nadja (1928; 1963), Francesca Woodman’s photographic series known also as Story of a Glove or Glove Series (1977-1978) and Deborah Levy’s novel Swimming Home (2013).

Author Biography

Beatrice Seligardi, Università di Parma

Beatrice Seligardi ha conseguito i titoli di Dottoressa di ricerca in Letterature euro-americane e di Dr. Phil. presso l’Università di Bergamo e la Justus Liebig Universität Gießen all’interno del Joint PhD Programme in Literary and Cultural Studies. È autrice di due monografie, entrambe pubblicate nel 2018: Ellissi dello sguardo. Pathosformeln dell’inespressività femminile dalla cultura visuale alla letteratura (Milano, Morellini) e Finzioni accademiche. Modi e forme del romanzo universitario (Firenze, Franco Cesati Editore). Attualmente è docente a contratto presso l’Università degli studi di Parma per il corso di Letterature anglo-americane e per il Workshop di Letteratura contemporanea e spettacolo. Collabora inoltre con la Cineteca di Bologna in qualità di tutor didattico.



How to Cite

Seligardi, B. . (2019). The Glove, the Gap and Anachronism, or the Secret in Max Klinger, André Breton, Francesca Woodman and Deborah Levy. Elephant & Castle, (20). Retrieved from


