No. 29 (2023): Gianni Celati and the art of translation

					View No. 29 (2023): Gianni Celati and the art of translation

edited by Marco Belpoliti (Università degli studi di Bergamo), Gabriele Gimmelli (Università degli studi di Bergamo) and Marina Spunta (University of Leicester)

A monographic issue in memory of Gianni Celati (1937-2022), paying tribute to his work and poetics by adopting a new approach that focuses on his longstanding activity as a translator. Through essays and testimonies, the issue focuses on the specific idea of translation proposed by Celati, which has always been understood as an integral part of a cultural tradition that goes beyond the boundaries of authorship, toward an idea of dialogue between different texts. At the same time, the issue intends to fit into the current revisiting of translation studies: in fact, inscribing Celati’s work in a broader theoretical discourse reveals how his translation practice appears to be in line with the key points of the most recent trends in the discussion on the subject.

Published: 15-07-2023

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